Friday, July 10, 2015

Action Plan

Assalamu'alaikum, MDians! As we are all well-informed on the inevitable examination - both upper and lower six students, this post is to lay out our current action plan. As of right now, the ongoing theme is Gerai Ramadhan and pictures will be posted by 16th of July, 2015.

And then, it will be as follows:

  1. Eid Mubarak, pictures uploaded by 30th of July, 2015
  2. Maktab Duli Raya Celebration, uploaded by 9th of August, 2015.
Since the upper six students will be having their Mock A Level exam from the 10th of August until 22nd of August, the lower six members will be in-charge of this club along with Miss Yen. Note that this plan is subject to changes, and if there are, it will be notified through this website.

Good luck and all the best for your exam! And an advanced Eid Mubarak to the Muslims! :-)

Until next time,
Vice President - Nurin